There are only three vessels now, but I am in the process of planishing two others to make it a series of five. All based around some of the most deadly skin diseases.
This piece kind of parallels my tiara. It is an Elephant man, tumor-y kind of piece. This turned out more elegant than I thought. I still have to finish the surface of i, clean up and a patina. I am shooting for an orange/red glow to it. Hopefully, I can make it work for my photo shoot on March 9th!
Essentially this is what this mouth piece will look like. I still have some clean up to do on it, however it is so nice to see it almost finished. I like making progress. Now, I have to have this photographed and figure out how to display it at my exhibition.
I am slowly dragging my feet through the process of finishing this. It is a piece that restricts the movement of your fingers, but it also contorts your hand entirely. It is very uncomfortable so far, however it is taking me quite some time to finish it.